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Unveiling The UK’s Most Stolen Car Brands – Is Your Vehicle At Risk?

Key Summary

Vehicle thefts are becoming more and more common. 98,730 thefts took place in the UK in 2022. We have taken a look at the most stolen cars.

  • Range Rover
  • Mercedes Benz
  • Ford

If a car brand is stolen a lot, the insurance for it will increase. Keep this in mind when looking for your next set of wheels. If you want to protect your existing car from theft, we suggest the following:

  • Make sure all windows and doors are locked.
  • Park somewhere well-lit and secure.
  • Add an alarm system to your car.
  • Install a steering wheel lock.
  • Add a GPS tracking system.
  • Place a ring doorbell on your garage.

In This Blog

Is Your Vehicle At Risk?

Vehicle thefts are on the rise. The cost-of-living crisis hasn't helped the situation, with London the centre of these crimes.

The data shows 98,730 vehicle thefts occurred across the UK in 2022. Let that sink in. That means a car is stolen in the UK about every five minutes! Can you believe it? A Freedom of Information request to The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) by Claims Management & Adjusting (CMA) shows 26,117 of the reported vehicles were stolen in London.

More figures from AA insurance show a 25 per cent increase in car theft. But which car brands ranked highest among the most stolen vehicles?

Let's have a look at the most stolen cars in the UK...

A white Range Rover Evoque parked in front of a bridge.

Range Rover And Land Rover

The Range Rover is one of the most stolen cars in the UK. Figures from the DVLA show that one in every hundred Land Rovers was stolen between March 2022 – March 2023.

The Range Rover isn't actually easier to steal than other cars. It is however really popular with car thieves. These cars are really popular abroad, and people have been known to steal them in the UK and ship them abroad. 

Range Rovers have keyless entry. On the surface this seems great, but there are negatives that come with it. Criminals can start a car without a key in the ignition. This opens up Range Rovers to huge risk.

Amongst the 896,948 licenced Land Rovers in the UK, 8,284 were reported as stolen. This works out at 924 thefts for every 100,000.

A black Mercedes Benz E-Class driving along a road with a small rockface on the side of the road.

Next On Our List… Mercedes Benz

The latest data unveiled on The National News website has shed light on the shocking theft rates of various car brands. Mercedes Benz is coming in close second on the list, with a theft rate of 323 stolen cars per 100,000. It’s a scary statistic that shows just how popular this car is among thieves.

A Ford Focus turning the corner on an alpine road.

In 3rd Place: Ford

In third place is Ford, which recorded a theft rate of 292 cars stolen per 100,000. This serves as a wake-up call for Ford owners. If you drive a Ford, make sure you are doing everything you can to keep it safe. 

Two hands protecting a piece of paper in the shape of a car, representing car insurance and protection.

How Does This Data Impact Car Insurance?

How many times a brand is stolen can affect insurance prices. Lots of things affect insurance premiums, and of course, theft rates are considered. It's simple really, a higher risk of being stolen will make the car harder to insure. 

When an insurance company is looking at a specific car model or brand, they'll decide how likely it is to be stolen. It’s a no-brainer that higher theft rates suggest to insurers that a particular brand or model is more attractive to thieves. So, if your car has made this list, you may see higher premiums.

How To Protect Your Car From Theft

With car theft on the rise, it’s now more important than ever to safeguard your car. We  recommend a combination of preventative measures and security practices; here are the best ways to protect your car:

  1. Lock all doors and windows: We know this is obvious. However, you'd be surprised how many people forget to lock their cars. Make sure you check that all your windows are closed when leaving your car. 
  2. Secure parking: Park your car in well-lit areas or a secure car park. Avoid leaving your vehicle in a quiet or high-crime area.
  3. Install an alarm system: Invest in a reliable car alarm with impact sensors, motion sensors, and a loud siren. The alarm will alert you and draw attention to a thief.
  4. Use a steering wheel lock: Something like a steering wheel lock is a really good way of putting thieves off. This makes it harder for criminals to steal your car. 
  5. Install a GPS tracking system: If your car is stolen, you can see where it has been taken to.
  6. Install a video doorbell for your drive: Video doorbells such as ‘Ring’ can help to alert you if there is any motion around your drive at home. Not just that, they can help capture any thieves if your car is stolen.
  7. Key management: Be careful with your car keys. Don't leave spare keys inside the car or where they can be seen. If your car has keyless entry, use a signal-blocking box to stop thefts. Be careful with social media: Refrain from sharing any info about your car or where it is parked – especially if you’re going on holiday. Thieves can use this to pick their next target.
  8. Be vigilant: Report any suspicious activity around your car or parking areas. If you notice anything unusual, report this to the police. 
  9. Insurance: Make sure your insurance policy has theft cover. If your car is stolen, having a fully comprehensive policy will provide financial protection and help you recover your losses.

No measure is perfect, but trying these measures can reduce the risk of your car being stolen. Stay proactive and informed about the latest car security tech and practices to enhance the protection of your car.

It’s crucial for car owners, regardless of the brand they possess, to stay informed and remain proactive in protecting their car against theft. By implementing robust security measures, such as tracking systems, immobilisers, and vigilant parking habits, we can strive to deter thieves and preserve the safety of our prized cars.

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