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The FCA’s Consumer Duty: Good Practice And Areas For Improvement

Written by Marsh Finance | Aug 29, 2024 12:40:05 PM

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has taken significant steps to ensure that the finance industry serves the best interests of its consumers. The introduction and implementation of the Consumer Duty is a testament to this commitment, emphasising the necessity for firms to deliver good outcomes for retail customers. As a trusted partner to car dealerships and finance intermediaries, Marsh Finance is dedicated to aligning our operations and services with these enhanced standards of compliance and consumer protection.

Embracing The Consumer Duty

The Consumer Duty, which came into effect for open products and services on 31st July 2023, sets a new benchmark in customer care and service delivery. It mandates that firms act in good faith, avoid causing foreseeable harm, and support customers in achieving their financial goals. This holistic approach goes beyond traditional compliance, urging firms to proactively identify and mitigate issues that could lead to consumer harm.

Good Practices Highlighted By The FCA

The FCA’s recent publication sheds light on areas where firms have excelled in adapting to the Consumer Duty. These successes include:

  • Enhanced Focus on Customer Outcomes: Firms have redefined their company purposes to ensure actions and behaviours are customer-centric, showing a commitment to delivering superior customer outcomes.
  • Proactive Issue Identification and Resolution: There has been a notable shift towards using data and analytics to pre-emptively address potential issues, thereby avoiding consumer harm.
  • Inclusive Support for Vulnerable Consumers: Companies are innovating in how they design products and services to accommodate the needs of vulnerable customers, ensuring equitable outcomes.
  • Product and Service Innovation: Businesses are carefully defining target markets to ensure products and services meet their customers’ specific needs and objectives, a crucial step in preventing harm.

Areas For Improvement

While many firms have made commendable progress, the FCA also identifies areas needing further attention:

  • Board-Level Engagement: Some firms need to elevate the discussion of customer outcomes to the board level, ensuring strategic alignment with the Duty’s objectives.
  • Data and Monitoring Strategies: A continued emphasis on developing robust data and monitoring capabilities is vital to understanding and improving consumer outcomes.
  • Vulnerability Identification: There’s a need for improved processes and systems to track and support vulnerable customers across product and service lines.
  • Value Proposition: Firms must rigorously assess whether their products and services offer fair value, considering the totality of costs versus benefits.

Commitment To Compliance And Excellence

At Marsh Finance, we view the FCA’s guidance not just as a regulatory requirement but as a blueprint for excellence. We are committed to incorporating these insights into our operations, ensuring our partners and customers benefit from the highest standards of service and support. Our free compliance consultancy service is designed to help our partners navigate these changes seamlessly, ensuring that we meet and exceed the expectations set forth by the Consumer Duty.

We encourage you to review the FCA’s article on Consumer Duty for a comprehensive understanding of the expectations and to engage with us in exploring how these can be integrated into your operations for the benefit of your customers.

For further details on the Consumer Duty and to ensure your operations align with these new standards, please visit the FCA’s official publication.

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Looking for a reliable partner to help you navigate the maze of compliance rules? At Marsh Finance, we’re more than just your average lender. We’re here to be your guide, your sounding board, and your right-hand man in the world of compliance. With our MVP Compliance Consultancy Service, we’re committed to ensuring you’re not just ticking boxes but truly excelling in customer care and regulatory standards.

Let’s work together to keep your business ahead of the curve and turn compliance into your competitive edge.

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