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🌳 Drive Green: Planting Trees For A Better Future!

Did you know that transport accounts for 23% of global CO2 emissions? That’s why, Marsh Finance, with every new car finance agreement taken out, we’ll plant a tree on your behalf! 🌱

By planting just one tree, you are helping to reduce 1 tonne of carbon dioxide over the course of your tree’s life. This may seem like a small contribution, but it’s actually a powerful way to help the environment.

But that’s not all! The tree planted is in YOUR name. You’ll also receive updates on its growth, as well as a What3Words location so you can see the positive impact your decision is making over time.

An upward view of two large trees with sun shining on them.

🌍 Why Trees?

Trees are the backbone of our ecosystem.

By planting a tree, you’re not just adding greenery to the world—you’re creating a healthy habitat for a diverse range of plants and animals. Trees provide food, shelter, and protection, allowing ecosystems to thrive.

They also help us to breathe easier, as they are nature’s air purifiers.

They absorb carbon dioxide, a major contributor to climate change, and release fresh oxygen back into the air. This natural process helps reduce the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, making the air cleaner and healthier for all of us to breathe. Every tree we plant together is a step towards cleaner, fresher air.

But, there’s more! 🌳

It’s not just about what trees do for the planet—it's also about what they do for us. Spending time around trees has been shown to improve both mental and physical wellbeing.

Whether it’s a walk in the woods or simply sitting under a leafy canopy, trees can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and boost your mood.

By planting a tree, you’re also planting seeds for a healthier, happier community.

A white SUV driving on a straight road with trees either side and sun shining down.

đźš— Want To Help?

If you’re as excited about this initiative as we are and want to do even more to support this amazing cause, we encourage you to check out the Gift-a-Tree site. They’re a fantastic charity dedicated to planting trees and promoting sustainability.

At Marsh Finance, we believe in driving towards a better future, one tree at a time. So, when you finance your next car, know that you’re not just hitting the road—you’re helping pave the way for a greener, healthier world. 🌍

Ready to drive green? Let’s get started!