Have A Complaint? We Can Help

We try to make the your experience the best it could possibly be, but we know that sometimes things can go wrong. If you have a complaint about the service you’ve received, you can contact us directly.

Fancy A Quick Call?

01706 752385. The Customer Care line is open 08:30 – 16:30

Send An Email

Prefer a virtual conversation? Email us at: customercare@marshfinance.co.uk

Write To Us

Write to us regarding your query at: Crossfield Mill, Crawford Street

How We Will Handle Your Complaint

We have 8 weeks* to resolve complaints, however, we aim to solve your concerns straight away in an impartial manner. If we are able to resolve your complaint within 3 working days, we will issue a Summary Resolution Communication (Final Response Letter) to you. If we have not been able to resolve your complaint within 3 working days, we will write to tell you in the form of an Acknowledgement Letter which is issued usually within 5 working days of receiving your complaint. This letter contains the following information:

  • Confirmation of what we believe to be your complaint
  • Who is dealing with your complaint
  • When we will contact you again

We endeavour to resolve most complaints within two weeks. If your complaint is particularly complex, it may take longer to resolve and could take the full 8 weeks in limited cases. We will however contact you regularly until your complaint has been resolved.

*Important Information – If your complaint is related to Discretionary Commission Arrangements (DCA) as per the FCAs announcement on 11th January 2024 then please be advised of the ‘Pause’ period for such complaints and also changes to your Financial Ombudsman Rights (FOS).  Access our DCA page here.

Please feel free to call us on (01706 648882) or email (enquiries@marshfinance.co.uk) if you would like to discuss in more detail the changes to your FOS rights in relation to DCA complaints. All other complaint time frames remain unchanged and are handled in accordance with our standard online complaints policy as detailed here.

If You Are Still Not Satisfied

If we can’t agree an acceptable resolution to your complaint within eight weeks we will:

  • Send you a letter giving our reasons for the delay and an indication of when we expect to provide a decision, or
  • Issue our decision letter (Final Response Letter), which will explain our final position

You may be eligible to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

We will send you a leaflet/link telling you more about the Financial Ombudsman Service and explaining your referral rights if we haven’t been able to resolve your complaint within eight weeks, and our Final Response Letter.

The Financial Ombudsman Service

If we cannot reach agreement with you, we will issue you with a Final Response Letter. This letter will clearly set out our position in relation to your complaint.

Our aim is to resolve all complaints internally. However, if you are not satisfied with our decision, or if eight weeks have passed since you first brought your complaint to our attention, you may be able to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

If you want the Financial Ombudsman Service to look into your complaint, you must contact them within six months of the date of any final response issued.

Contact details for the Financial Ombudsman are as follows;

Write to: Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR
Phone: 0800 234 567 or 0300 123 9 123
Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk
Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk

The Financial Ombudsman Service offers a free independent service and they can help with most financial complaints. However, there are some limitations on what the Financial Ombudsman Service can look into, and further information about this can be obtained from them directly.

EU Online Dispute Resolution service (ODR)

For products and services bought online you have the right to refer any complaint to the EU Online Dispute Resolution service (ODR) who can put you in touch with the right body to help resolve your complaint. You can access the ODR at this link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr

As we’re a UK Financial Services business, the ODR will refer you to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) as the alternative dispute resolution body. The FOS will refer you to our complaints process, unless you’ve already been through this. So you might prefer to go straight to the FOS after you’ve been through our complaints process (see more information about the FOS above).

If you decide to use the ODR platform, when you complete the form online please include the following e-mail address as our contact point: customercare@marshfinance.co.uk

*Important Information – If your complaint is related to Discretionary Commission Arrangements (DCA) as per the FCAs announcement on 11th January 2024 then please be advised of the ‘Pause’ period for such complaints and also changes to your Financial Ombudsman Rights (FOS).

Please feel free to call us on 01706 752385 or email customercare@marshfinance.co.uk if you would like to discuss in more detail the changes to your FOS rights in relation to DCA complaints. All other complaint time frames remain unchanged and are handled in accordance with our standard online complaints policy as detailed here.

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